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Author Topic: Dsg box issues  (Read 742 times)

Offline Beanbox19844

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Dsg box issues
« on: November 22, 2023, 05:18:48 am »
Morning all

So I've just finished completing an engine swap on a 2005 with dsg. Car starts up with no trouble apart from a few lights for coolant, abs etc however I think I've got an issue with the drive train. Soon as you put it into drive, you can feel its trying too pull forward if it's left on idle revs and soon as you put it in natural or Park you can feel it roll back slightly. However soon as you press the accelerator whilst it's in drive, the car doesn't want too go anywhere and just revs up. This is the same for reverse with it just revving up and not driving.

Anyone on here happen too have any suggestions on what too look at to try and help get it doing. I've done a filter and trans fluid change whilst doing the engine swap

 Cheers folks