HI, Im Martin, i run a stage 3 mk5 gti fully forged , gtx 3076, bigger throtle body, porsche injectors, rpc intake manifold, manual :) with an waftrac limited slip diff, stiffer eingine mounts...im posting some loggs, so if anyone has a clue what the f... is hapening inside my eingine...car runs ok, it feels fast, but towards the and of rpm rance 6000-7500, sometimes i have timing retardation, and it feels like the throtle body shuts a little bit, how do you measure knock sensors? also i noticed that the all 4 pistons are wet on top when i look in wit a camera...but the eingine has 2k since rebuild, it burns a lot of oil, but has no excesive smoke, i dont hear any strange noises that somthing would be knocking, just a ragular gti sound...please check mz pics and comment if you have any suggestions, could it be the stock ECU? when it was on dyno ecu the knock wasnt present...