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Author Topic: Wet Carpets/Rear Passenger Footwell  (Read 765 times)

Offline vwmk5gti

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Wet Carpets/Rear Passenger Footwell
« on: January 27, 2024, 11:43:23 am »
I noticed a few weeks ago that my rear passenger footwell was soaked - not so much a puddle, but when you pressed it water came to the surface. After a few days, the driver side and passenger side front were both also a bit damp.

The spare wheel well in the boot also showed signs of water.

I dried it out, put some dehumidifiers in there to double check I hadn't forgot to close my windows or sunroof or something - a few days later after some terrential rain, it was back soaking again.

It's a MK5 GTI with a sunroof. Worst part is the rear passenger footwell, but then seems to spread. Where's common for these to leak? I thought potentially sunroof but seems more further back...

TIA  :smiley:

Offline akbarirfan

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Re: Wet Carpets/Rear Passenger Footwell
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2024, 05:27:34 pm »
Potentially a blocked sun roof drain pipe.