So, the golf went at the weekend. Sad times.
Sold it privately and it went for £4k, I think I could have got a bit more if I'd wanted but I was more than happy with that.
Didn't take too long to sell, a few days.
Most genuine interest was from eBay. I did put it on facebook first as it's free, loads of interest but mostly people making ridiculously low offers or offering swaps with random crap!
Details: Edition 30, 196k, DSG, APR Stage 1, FSH.
Thought some of that information might be useful since a few others on here were thinking of selling up.
Hi Mark,
Thanks for sharing - was that using auction or Buy it Now?
I put it up as a classified ad and added the best offer option to it. Set the classified price and the lowest offer you'll consider, that way eBay automatically rejects any offer below that. Helps with time wasters and silly offers. I did mine at £4k classified with the minimum offer set to £3500.
I did consider auction but one problem I could see with that is people winning and not actually turning up meaning it has to be re-listed. With the classified I was able to keep my advert open up until I had sold the car so if it fell through I didn't have to put it back up for sale.
@GVK Yeah insane, people offering 50% less than asking price without even viewing the car. Also, swaps wtf? I was offered a Freelander, a Touran, multiple A3s, a crafter(!) and a regular mk5 gti (why?) Always worth a try since it's free but it's fairly draining.
@pudding more than happy with it really, it's going to need a bit spending on it so seemed a fair price. I paid £9k for it 10 years ago so it's been good value! All the money spent over those 10 years may tell a different story though

There still seems to be a few 5 figure ones about, not sure they're selling though.