I had the same issue a couple of weeks ago. Checked the DV, PCV, N75 Valve, checked the fuel trims (hoses etc…). Ended up being a cracked turbo exhaust side. It was a hairline, but after replacing it all was good. Not saying that that’s the issue in your case, just something to be aware of. Start by checking the boost hoses, if they are oily it could mean that here is a leak. Specially where they connect to the intercooler. Next I would check the DV and after that the PCV. If you have a way to log the MAF, do that and multiply the g/s (I think) from engine live data, channel 02. Should be around 160 I think. Is the car tuned? It can throw the same fault code when it’s tuned. But if it goes well I wouldn’t really give it much attention.