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62% insurance increase anyone?
Yep, email today says that's what they want.....62% more :rolleye:
Robbing so and so's, will check comparison sites sure enough.
Was expecting an increase from what I've read but nope, not on.
Like any insurance, broadband etc. they rip the absolute piss on renewals.
I always get quotes from comparison sites and also a few brokers and then ring the best 2 or 3 to see if i can get a better price. I ring the cheapest first and say 'x company have offered it for £40 less than your quote can you match it?'
Sometimes works sometimes not but worth a go.
Less and less insurers here in Ireland want to insure the poor vRS, as it's now 18 years old. According to most of them anything over 10 years old is a death trap :grin:
The ones that still offer to insure it have put up their prices, I assume due to the age of the car rather than other statistics.
You'll just have to shop around for a better quote.
Dog insurance has gone from £18 to £32/month :grin:
Yeah the insurance on my 330d went from £665 last year to £1250 this year :grin: Mental.
Cheapest quote on Go F'ck yourself was £800 through a no name broker with virtually no cover :grin:
Car parts and labour costs have increased is their excuse. So what. My skills at work have improved in the last year, that doesn't mean I can demand a 62% pay rise! Greedy forkers.
The whole point of insurance is we all pay into a contingency pot to cover life's unexpected events, so what the fook are they doing with all that money? Oh the world has changed slightly, boo hoo, 9848% more cash from you please. Utter runts, grrrrrrr.
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