Hi all, My first post! I've just purchased a Diamond black Edition 30 and have a few issues that I need to resolve - some that were apparent upon purchase, others that have reared their heads the moment money changed hands.

1. The coolant gauge fluctuates, under hard driving it gets up to 90, but gentle cruising etc and it drops down to around 70. It's not erratic like I had on my 3.2 mk1 Audi TT which was the coolant sensor itself, it's a repeatable, consistent issue, so I'm thinking thermostat?
2. Most of the journey home after purchase was fine, but when I went to engage in some spirited driving, the clutch pedal wouldn't come back up a couple of times. This was with a hot engine, but also did it yesterday from a cold start, again only a few times. The clutch engages perfectly when it works as it should, bite point is good, gear change is good. I've seen a fix about a shim in the end of the gearbox, but mine is a 57 plate Edition 30, so think it might already have this shim? Any other ideas?
3. Despite asking for a cold start, the previous owner took the car out for a blast beforehand, so I never experienced a true cold start on the car until I got it home - of course, I've now discovered a shakey rattle upon initial ignition, it clears after a second or two. Here is a video of my cold start this morning:
https://www.veed.io/view/9b5021c2-de02-4c80-abab-a056ba26bdc8?panel=shareDo you think fuelling or maybe chain tensioner? The engine sounds pretty spot on otherwise and drives well aside from these issues, although I have found that it has a very slight misfire at idle, particularly through the exhaust you can hear a blip when it does it.
Thanks for your help in advance