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Cam chain replacement

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Hi mate, yeah I welded around the lobes on my locking tool to reenforce it,unfortunately never got to finding out if it was good enough as the bolt rounded 😂 thank you for confirming the genuine part being INA, awaiting my INA one to  come so I can then drill the bolt out, replace adjuster and rings again and fingers crossed be job done 👌🏻 it’s all fun and games isn’t it 😂

Thanks.  Ordered the cam locking tool and had planned to weld the lobes also when it comes........seems to be common practice  :happy2:

My bolt rounded too  :sad1:

The other way to deal with this is time up the engine, remove the cambelt and then loosen the cam carrier so the camshaft can be moved. This'll release the chain.


--- Quote from: mjmallia on October 08, 2024, 11:11:45 am ---Puddings image:

A break in one of the rings or excessive wear on the adjuster, reduces the oil pressure to the tensioner........then creates the rattle

--- End quote ---

Don't remind me of that trauma  :grin:  I suffered the rattle for over a year before I finally found the cause!

Gotta say though, the engine ran superb with a VVT repair kit afterwards.  Get it from the Skoda dealer though as it's cheaper. You get a new chain cover housing, VVT adjuster and bolts and gaskets etc for around £500.  Stiffly priced I know, but at the time VW wanted £800 for the same stuff.

There is also another way to loosen the bolt!
You get yourselve a second hand camchain cover, cut half of it off so you can see what you’re
doin. Bolt it back on but put the bit on the bolt first then a short extention and a breaker bar.
That worked fine  :happy2:
I’ll post Some pics of it when the uploader here works again!?!
I can’t upload pics for some reson?


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