Hi all. My front wipers will freeze on screen mid swipe. Then worth again. Then freeze again. Etc etc. They also judder a little with their movement.
Is this most likely a motor that's about to die completely? Or something else?
Think @pudding had similar fault on his Mk5 can't remember his fix though.
Yep. I'd be driving down the motorway at 535mph and they'd slow down, and then stop mid sweep, then work again as Baldy Puma man chap said.
I never got to the bottom of it as I sold the car before tackling it

It won't be the linkages etc, just a tired motor/controller. The controller is built into the motor housing, so you can't replace bits separately. Has to be an entire motor unit swap out. Not too bad a job, fiddly and have to get the extraction angle spot on to avoid gouging the paint off the scuttle area.