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Drivers Footwell Wet


Morning people

I have an issue with a leak causing my drivers footwell to get wet after heavy rain, ive removed the scuttle panel and cleared all drainage holes aswell as resealing any gromets around the driver side. The door seals look fine and the door isnt holding any water. Strange thing is its right in the middle of the carpet where your heels would be and none of the surrounding carpet is wet.

Only the drivers footwell is wet nowhere else, also to mention my heater keeps playing up blowing hot and cold air
Could this have anything to do with it?

Any suggestions before i have to remove the seat and carpet?


Are you loosing coolant? If so it could be the heater matrix leaking. Also water will always flow to the lowest point so it could be running from anywhere really, settling and then soaking through.

I had a problem with my Octavia interior getting soaking wet. I had to strip out the interior and get the hose on it and look for where the water was coming from. Without doing that I'd have never of found it.

There's a plastic panel under the wiper linkage on the driver's side which has a gasket that can fail. It's right above the pedals and how you would upgrade the CAN gateway box (to fix stereo battery drain issues) as doing it from underneath is virtually impossible unless you have microscopic hands.


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