Feckin lorry drivers

Noticed a lorry (big rock/gravel transporting thing) making progress down the country roads by me. SO I took an almighty step backwards and left him to it - it seemed to be empty but was chucking all sorts of unpleasant stuff off the roads.
Finally got to a junction, and I naturally caught up to him - thankfully we were both turning in opposite directions.
He pulls off and next thing I know is "THUDDD!!!!" - I instinctively duck, it's that loud. As he's pulled out into the main road, the fecker's booted it, and lost traction - throwing up the surface crap and stones.....
all over the side of my car!!!
I pull up later on and find this

A fookin huge dent and scar in my door!
To protect it in the meantime, I've used my touch-up stick, but it's a body-shop job me thinks....
Thankfully I've got a body-shop chap who owes me a favour.... so fingers crossed.
I'm also feeling quite lucky, as a few inches higher, it would have smashed the window.
Looks like my detailing wish list just got slightly longer!