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Author Topic: New member edition 30 questions  (Read 35 times)

Online Ryan Edition 30

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New member edition 30 questions
« on: Yesterday at 08:09:13 pm »
Hi all been reading the forum for a while but now registerd, I have had my edition 30 gti since Sept 24 last couple of weeks have noticed a slight hesitation under load for a second or two then off it goes doesn’t do it all the time only very intermittent , also noticed a slight increase in fuel consumption, car isn’t driven hard came across a thread relating to coil pack campaign just wondering if this is still a thing as my car is a 07 edition 30 dsg on 131k so unsure as to weather vw would still entertain this, will check park numbers on my coils tomorrow, car is also mapped with bluefin

Thanks for any info guys
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 09:53:12 pm by Ryan Edition 30 »