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A horse with the agility of a rocket- Mustang!


Hey guys

My dads offices are next a old building called the Bijo. It was a theatreuntil it burnt down a few years ago. The style of teh building and area is very American.

Because of this many companies (In this case Revlon) use this area to do photoshoots for their promotions.

The team that did this shoot are all British, fly from Britain to do the shoot to SA. And the advert is only for America. You gotta love the world we live in  8)

Some pics:

One for Robin  :laugh:

Oh and the big daddy/ Chevy also showed up and did a few performances  :evilgrin:


got to love the mustang :love:

a collegue of mine has a flat black mustang. pretty cool

good pics as always mate

That's a beautiful 'Stang. I keep meaning to buy one as a second car but never have the guts (or the funds!) to...

Thanks guys. I must admit. The chevy absolutely blew me away. So much torque and power. He was hardly revving it at all. Check the  little ford bakkie behind the orange chev. Thats a 1.6 litre delivery bakkie. One of my dads. I love how small and pathetic it looks. Lol


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