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A few HDR shots of mine :)

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Thanks guys. Will post a few new ones next week. And an intense write up on how to do hdr too. Mike

Love the pics.

I was trying to dabble with HDR but couldn't figure out how to take the appropriate shots - knew I had to manually bracket all the shots but trying to get a steady camera and get autofocus to work properly (it's an ultracompact with manual aperture and shutter settings) was a nightmare. Would be easier with an SLR.

Looking forward to a guide though.

Hello stealth. To be honest. Its even more difficult with a slr. Slr cameras are extremely precise. A compact camera is a bit kinder when you make a mistake. You need a tripod to create a  good hdr shot. Will do the write up next week. Mike

Mark M:
Superb pics!!!

What is the best software to use for this?

I am handy with a camera, I have a D80 and a FS20 Lumix.

How many different exposures did you take?


Hello. I used a fuji finepix s700 which comes with a hdr function. For those pics i had it on -1, 0, +1. It takes three seperate pics. The pic of the rose was the same but i used the flash with it. I use photomatix pro to create the hdr pics. Its freeware. So you can download it for free. I find photoshop never  creates the effects i want. Hope that helps. Mike


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