As quite a few of us already know, production of the F1 Eagle Asymmetric has fallen way behind (or not met demand, Goodyear Dunlop prefer to state). All sorts of reasons and stories abound on t'internet but the fact is that supply of the genuine article is non existent, even in parts of Europe. I've tried for weeks to get some and through many sources. Size is 225/40R18 Y.
Probably like most here, when my fronts get down to about 2mm I replace them with the deeper treads of my rears and buy a new pair for the rear. I'm off with Hurdy to a private track day (not Touristenfahrten) at Noodleburgering next week and the state of one pair of my tyres would potentially be catastrophic, such that it would mean me cancelling my chance-in-a-lifetime trip - Not an option!
I shared my problem with my friend Mr Milltek who then introduced me to someone senior at Goodyear Dunlop (the same company) at BTCC Thruxton last weekend. He confirmed the supply problem but suggested that their Dunlop Sport Maxx TT asymmetric (not GT which is more track orientated and not clever on the road if wet) would work in combination. The Maxx TT is a 'sister' product to the F1 Eagle and has only minor differences.
I then had a chat with one of their tech support guys who I already know from my earlier F1 Eagle asymmetric-directional mix problem, and he advised I keep my F1 Eagle asymmetrics on the front as I was used to the drive feel of them. Also, they have a bit of wear which is better for track. But guess what.. The Dunlop is out of stock too!
My friendly VW dealer to the rescue! They asked around and found a pair of Maxx TT's in Kent which will be delivered and fitted by them next week before I leave. Furthermore they were happy to match Camskill's online price. Can't do better than that and it proves once again how important it is to encourage good relationships with everyone who supplies you whether product or service. Be nice to people until they're not nice to you.
I'm told by Goodyear Dunlop that the Goodyear Asymmetrics will be in stock again from May 15th.
As the above is a bit wordy, here's a dull pic of some rubber:

And a much nicer pic of what the rubber goes on:

And without spamming my own thread, on topic: