Hi to all ( you will see i am a newbie)
i am the proud owner of a mark 5 golf GT and want to upgrade to these hella lights.
Any chance of some more pics please NEIMAD, from the front at dusk viewing both lights would be nice please.
how have you got on with them ?
easy to change bulbs ?
blown bulbs ?
i really miss the xenons i had in my last car , so the first step to maybe go to a HID upgrade is to go projector lamps.
has anyone retro fitted headlamp washers, also xenon self levellers ?
any info is appreciated
many thanks in advance
Hi kippers,
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That was taken with the original dipped beam bulbs in place, though I've since upgraded them to Osram Nightbreakers which give a better, whiter light, though still not as white as the "celis" bar. I believe you can get whiter bulbs which would give a better match for the "celis" bar but I chose the Osram's for visibility reasons rather than visual ones.
I've not had any problems as such, no bulbs have blown and the only point to mention is that replacing the bulbs isn't the easiest of tasks. The dipped bulbs are harder than OEM to get to as the headlight units themselves are slightly bigger. That coupled to the fact that the bulb holder is a metal clip rather than the plastic holder on the OEM units makes it somewhat harder to change, or at least it did for me.
All in I would say they are a good mod, although the real test will be in the coming months when it gets dark a lot earlier. I do a lot of mileage so good visibility is important to me, though not at the cost of £700 for the factory xenons, amazing though I'm sure they are -- I love the idea of xennon HID's, but I personally can't justify the cost.
The projectors give a good light, even with standard bulbs; the beam pattern is much more defined than the halogen reflectors that come OEM. I have since changed the bulbs to Osram Nightbreakers and the change again is noticeable. That said, I am still undecided as to whether to try some other types of bulb -- I read a favourable review of some "standard" bosch bulbs a few months back but having looked in to it I'm not sure it's as simple as the test made out so I'm keeping an eye out for a buy 1 get 1 free at Halfords. I won't go in to the whole HID kits being illegal speech, but suffice it to say that I'll be keeping mine as halogen.
Finally, I took my car to an MOT centre to have the lights aligned correctly once I had fitted them -- this cost around £10 but gave me peace of mind that I would not be blinding oncoming vehicles and putting myself or anyone else in danger. Projector-type headlights are renown for glaring and although correctly aligning them reduces the glare they will always be worse than reflector-type headlights so don't be surprised if someone flashes you -- that said, no-one has flashed me to date.
If you are finding that you're missing the real xenon HID's then you might consider retrofitting them. A few people have done it, most notably MortyGTTI, who I believe retrofitted the headlights, auto-levellers and headlight washers.