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Gear gator/knob removal

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I can't see a guide about removing gear gator and know for 6spd manual. I have the golfball gear knob on order to looking for a heads up from someone who has done it. Just dont want to damage anything or scratch anything while removing old one.



Gene Hunt:
Easy mate.1. Put car in to 2nd or 4th gear.2.At the front edge of the gaitor (near the t.c.s) feel under the gaitor & gently pull upwards to release the clips, work the gaitor all the way round with you'r fingers to release the clips.3.Pull the gaitor upwards so it goes in side out & you will see a metal band/clip type thing.Beore removing this try to pull the gear knob off(mine came straight off) if it won't remove the band & then pull the knob off.
Fitting is easy just place the new knob over the gear stick & give a good hard press down & it will go straight on. Work gaitor round consol & press clips in to place.
Dead easy job & should only take a few mins mine did.  :happy2:

I tried removing it without snipping the clip and it won't budge. The clip is very tight.

Will need to wait until I get home to my tools :sad1:

big al:
I did not even remove the clips on mine.
Just pull up the gaitor, and then grip the gearstick and keep twisting, it came off in about 10 seconds with mine, as I could not get the clip off mine!

Gene Hunt:
........same here.Just give it a good old pull


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