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Author Topic: Apple iMac  (Read 37050 times)

Offline mclovin

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #45 on: April 13, 2010, 05:20:43 pm »

Do you not like Microsoft then Robin?

....What on earth gave you that idea?  :wink:

I don't like Bill Gates and Windows 7 is their first interface which I can muster an iota of respect for. Funny how it reminds me of Mac OS X.

Aha... a CLASSIC Mac Cult elitist comment if I ever heard one!! It used to be that Windows was "unreliable" or "unstable" but when they fixed that the Mac Cult quickly sent out a memo to change the broken record to "They've copied MacOS".

What rubbish! Windows 7 is actually an evolution of Visa, but given the much publicised issues surrounding Vista they changed the name to something quite different. Vista was an evolution of XP, which was an evoltion of Win 98 and so on, all the way back. Of course, both Windows and MacOS are rip offs of the Xerox PARC, so if you want to play the plagiarism card, both parties are equally guilty.

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #46 on: April 13, 2010, 05:21:04 pm »
Don't hate on the Gates man. He's donated billions to charity, has almost single-handedly financed and led the initiative to remove the scourge of malaria from Africa (not quite there yet, not for some years, but has started using some funky genemod mosquitoes), is financing the most promising HIV vaccine ever which is currently being trialled in Africa, and is pushing for new energy generation policies, including a new paradigm of micronuclear, as well as education initiatives for children the world over.

He can probably be pointed at as the single greatest contributor to the social good that humanity has ever seen - yet he still garners all sorts of hatred, simply because when he was at the helm of Microsoft, he acted like a good businessman. Jobs is seen as some sort of messiah figure but he's a dick really.

...and like it or not, Microsoft has touched us all. There are considerable amounts of Microsoft-licensed software in OS X you know, as well as almost every software you use... it's not all just a hippie love in. Adobe InDesign? Almost certainly written using at least some of Microsoft's C/C++/C# libraries and compilers.

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #47 on: April 13, 2010, 05:28:09 pm »

Agreed, but Tony did say "I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life" and given that you view documents created with Microsoft software on your Mac you clearly have not achieved that...

Pedant? Moi?  :happy2:

As for Adobe products on a Mac, you might not even have that luxury for much longer given the huge, unnecessary fight Steve Jobs has got into with Adobe regarding Flash.

....And I repeat that I wrote "I can't think of a single Microsoft product installed and used on my Macs" but let's not get pedantic.

As for Adobe, I have been a pre-release tester for Adobe's Creative Suite for many years and consequently am subject to a non-disclosure agreement, so I'll just say that you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet. There has been friction between Jobs and Adobe for years and there's too much at stake not to resolve matters. It's not an unhealthy friction but just part of evolution and development getting negotiated.

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #48 on: April 13, 2010, 05:37:14 pm »
Don't hate on the Gates man. He's donated billions to charity, has almost single-handedly financed and led the initiative to remove the scourge of malaria from Africa (not quite there yet, not for some years, but has started using some funky genemod mosquitoes), is financing the most promising HIV vaccine ever which is currently being trialled in Africa, and is pushing for new energy generation policies, including a new paradigm of micronuclear, as well as education initiatives for children the world over.

....Yeah, he can now afford his conscience.

Btw, I didn't claim Steve Jobs was any better. However, I would say he has been slightly better in his business practices.

There's not much point extending this subject - I much prefer Macs and have never liked PCs.. Period.

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Offline mclovin

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #49 on: April 13, 2010, 06:13:33 pm »
Personally I think Mr. Gates found his conscience a while a go and has consistently given back and tried to use his wealth to better the lives of many people on this planet. Mr. Jobs, however, despite his recent health issues has just been focusing on new and inventive ways to make more money, I really find it hard to see how Apple's business practices could be seen as any better than Microsoft's ever were, Steve Jobs has just not been as successful... Yet.

People don't like Microsoft because they were 'elitist' and locked people in to Windows and associated software, but do you think iTunes is any different? And now we're going to have iBooks too? Isn't that just Internet Explorer to Amazons Kindle? God only knows why Jobs is so revered by the Mac cult fanbois.

I appreciate your involvement in Adobe and your requirement to honour your NDA. I too work in the IT industry, at quite a senior level so I am not just spouting stuff that I may have read in the IT press (although it is worth noting that I used to be an IT Journalist and I still have a lot of contacts in the industry). Regardless of what you may or may not know, the much publicised spat between Adobe and Apple has already been harmful to both companies from a PR perspective and I doubt very much that Adobe were best pleased about Steve Jobs openly persuading major Web media providers to ditch Flash from their websites. However, my comment was more of a shot across the bow in reaction to your extremely anti-Microsoft stance which I just find amusing. Personally, I feel that if you hate the anti-competition stance taken by big corporations such as Microsoft then Apple are not your saviour as they are just as bad, seriously, you should be running Linux.


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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #50 on: April 13, 2010, 06:26:51 pm »
Who cares. If you like it buy, i couldnt care who makes the bloody thing  :stupid:

Offline mclovin

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #51 on: April 13, 2010, 06:30:03 pm »
Nothing wrong with a bit of healthy debate, it's good for the soul.


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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #52 on: April 13, 2010, 06:34:13 pm »
Thanks for all the replies guys.

I will be going to the apple store tomorrow. Do they usually have thier products on display to try? I remember using the iPhone before I bought it.   :happy2:

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #53 on: April 13, 2010, 06:34:47 pm »
Everything is on display everywhere in the apple shops! Fill ya boots!!!
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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #54 on: April 13, 2010, 06:37:26 pm »
Everything is on display everywhere in the apple shops! Fill ya boots!!!

Excellent, theres a few hours gone tomorrow! :laugh:

Offline mclovin

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #55 on: April 13, 2010, 06:39:59 pm »
Have fun, Apple Stores really are retail therapy at it's best!

Offline cmdrfire

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #56 on: April 13, 2010, 06:47:48 pm »
Who cares. If you like it buy, i couldnt care who makes the bloody thing  :stupid:

If you've any form of social conscience at all, who makes what your purchase is very important. Would you like to own (say) diamonds that you know people have been murdered for? I'd pay a small premium for "no-murder" diamonds myself (if I were to buy diamonds).

Thanks for all the replies guys.

I will be going to the apple store tomorrow. Do they usually have thier products on display to try? I remember using the iPhone before I bought it.   :happy2:

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #57 on: April 13, 2010, 06:51:13 pm »
I wouldnt mind a MAC, but the price just does not justify the hardware you receive.
For the same price as a standard spec Apple machine, you could pick up a high end desktop PC, with triple the specs of the Mac.

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #58 on: April 13, 2010, 06:51:20 pm »
we are the cult and you will be our soon cmdrfire   :evilgrin:

Mods yes but way too many to stick in this little box

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #59 on: April 13, 2010, 06:54:57 pm »
we are the cult and you will be our soon cmdrfire   :evilgrin:

Nooooooooo!  :scared: must... resist... shiny! but so shiny!