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Apple iMac

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I made the switch to mac about 4 years ago too. Best move i made, and you can still run Windows on your mac through parallels/bootcamp etc. so you dont miss out on the little things.

I bought mine from the Apple shop in london and ended up with quite a big discount. I have a Mac Pro which i used to use for my photography and also have a macbook pro.

You wont regret the move  :happy2:

Ditto - I jumped on board the Apple wagon in the early 2000's and have couple of iMac's, iBook and a fair few iPods, iPhone (best gadget ever??) etc.  Would never go back and I have converted a few - all the same as me, would never go back.  Sure they are expensive but well worth it.

In terms of where to buy - official site as good as anywhere, don't think there are real discounts to be had anywhere and at least from there you know you are getting the latest version.

Yeah as said above, the Bootcamp thing is very useful!

If you purchase from Apple direct (that includes the Apple retail stores), then you will get the student discount. I did it that way! I think i got about 17% off which was definitely worth having!


--- Quote from: bacillus on April 12, 2010, 10:18:42 pm ---Do remember that your present "extra" PC programs will not natively run on a Mac...

--- End quote ---

How do you mean. Are we talking about ms office packages etc?   :smiley:

--- Quote from: DomT on April 12, 2010, 10:18:58 pm ---I have a Mac Pro (Desktop) - they are great machines and I would strongly recommend going down the MacOS route. I would holdfire if you are going down the route of the 27" iMac as they have had a few production issues, not sure if this has been sorted.

--- End quote ---

Yeah i have read about this. Yellowing of the screen and flickering? I will investigate to see if they have been corrected.  :happy2:

My Macbook has not crashed/frozen once in the 4 years that I've had it.

To be honest, the only temperamental program is Safari (equivalent of Internet Explorer), which I think most will agree is useless - although much better than it used to be! But a quick download of Firefox solves this issue  :happy2:


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