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Author Topic: Apple iMac  (Read 37238 times)

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #30 on: April 13, 2010, 12:28:41 pm »
this is something i have been interested in doing.  however it is quite a hard choice moving from something that you know to something that  you dont.

My work computers exclusively use microsoft office for all our work etc.  Does this work on the Mac as well.  Also can you fit HDMI cables into them to stream films to your TV etc.  What about ani-virus software etc.  I think my bigest doubt would be on what software is available for the macin comparison o the P. is it the same?

install airmouse to your iphone, plug a dongle into the back of your tv then stream the content from your mac to the tv controlling it with your phone wirelessly  :happy2:

you can surf the web like this too, games, forums, porn etc etc etc  :laugh:

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #31 on: April 13, 2010, 01:31:10 pm »
And now it clicks where I've seen him before.......

Hey Chris, Got anythin you used to wear in the summer?  :signLOL:

Offline mclovin

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #32 on: April 13, 2010, 04:26:50 pm »
Macs are great things, I have an iPhone and I'm typing this post on a Mac Mini right now, in fact I have a couple of Macs along with about 9 PCs, 3 servers and a NAS in my house. I love my Macs, they are easy to use, have a lovely interface (OSX) and you don't have to worry too much about viruses as nobody bothers to write any for Macs because they only make up a tiny portion of the number of computers connected to the Internet. In fact I persuaded my Mum and Dad to get one years ago as I was sick of fixing and supporting their old Windows 98 based PC and in 5 years all I have had to do is upgrade the RAM and occasionally update the OS, as others have said here they just work and they are joy to behold, both to use and to look at.

However, and it is important to stress this, PCs have come a long way and are not what they used to be. The introduction of Windows 7 has changed things quite dramatically, Windows just doesn't crash anymore, well, no more than my Mac does (yes, Macs crash too). The old blue screen of death is a distant memory and you shouldn't consider unreliability as a factor when looking at buying a PC, as a decent PC from a big manufacturer will be just as reliable as a Mac, just make sure it's running Win7 and has some decent antivirus software on it (Avast is free and works just fine). The other big issue is games, if you like playing games on your computer you will need a PC, Macs are still light years behind and even hard core Mac fanbois have "secret" PCs stashed around for playing games (yes, even Jason Bradbury). The other big difference is you don't get the lovely shiny packaging that Macs are wrapped up in and, most importantly, the price. Macs are still hugely expensive for what they are, in fact Apple are the only big client computing hardware vendor that still draws a reasonable profit from client computer sales, whilst the big players like Dell and HP pretty much make nothing on home computing devices. One thing to bear in mind, however, is that they hold their value amazingly well. A 2 year old PC is worth next to nothing whilst a 2 year old Mac is still a very saleble item, just have a look on eBay.

In essence, both machines will do everything you could ever want them to and both will do certain things very well, just not the same things. Overall, there is very little between Windows 7 and SnowLeopard to be honest, they are both great operating systems and beneath the skin PCs and Macs are basically EXACTLY the same these days. The only real problem to watch out for is the whole Mac cult, and it is a cult. Steve Jobs even got some of them to buy this weird giant iPod Touch that is named after a tampon, has no practical use and is possibly the most pointless gadget in the world, but they all "just LOVE it" and apparently "Macs are the best computers in the World" and "PCs are for plebs and people with no sense of aesthetics" and so on and so on ad infinitum. This is the single most off-putting aspect of Mac ownership, once you buy one, the urge to act all superior and preachy will creep up on you like a virus and you too could become one of the Mac cult elitist, hanging on to every last word that Steve Jobs utters about his latest gadget designed to suck every last penny out of your wallet... You have been warned!

So yes, Macs are good, but so are PCs these days. It all comes down to what you want to use your computer for, if you like playing games, buy a PC, if you want to feel superior to other computer users, have money to burn and like not having to worry about your computer then buy a Mac.

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #33 on: April 13, 2010, 04:33:10 pm »
Excellent post Mclovin!  :grin: :congrats:

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #34 on: April 13, 2010, 04:34:16 pm »
Great post and advice, mclovin  :drinking:

I don't take any notice of what Steve Jobs etc says. I've used both PCs and Macs and for me it's a no-brainer. Macs are a joy to use. Also you can't run Apple's Logic Studio Pro on a PC and Cubase doesn't hold a candle to Logic.

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #35 on: April 13, 2010, 04:40:18 pm »
been on pc for years but after getting the first gen iphone i just kept looking at the macs  :drool: so a few months back i thought sod it i am having one and once you get out of the way you worked on a pc they are just so nice and just do the job so well and they look nice too  :rolleye:.I still have a laptop on windows but it just does nothing for me and i wont go back to it

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #36 on: April 13, 2010, 04:44:51 pm »
I still have a little NC10 for Windows work and it does just fine, anything else I can use one of many in the office - I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life.

iPhone and Macs are great, the lifestyle/fashion products such as the iPad are turd.
Sideways yo!

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #37 on: April 13, 2010, 04:57:23 pm »

I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life.

....I can't think of a single Microsoft product installed and used on my Macs. I've been very particular about it.

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #38 on: April 13, 2010, 05:01:40 pm »
Do you not like Microsoft then Robin?
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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #39 on: April 13, 2010, 05:01:55 pm »

I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life.

....I can't think of a single Microsoft product installed and used on my Macs. I've been very particular about it.

But I bet you use the Internet, and cash machines and so on... You might not have any MS software installed on your Macs, but you haven't removed it from your life.

I have Mac Office on my primary Mac as it is massively useful for me to be able to view Excel and Powerpoint files on it without having to fire up a PC or run a virtual Windows session on the Mac. Works just fine by the way.

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #40 on: April 13, 2010, 05:06:39 pm »

Do you not like Microsoft then Robin?

....What on earth gave you that idea?  :wink:

I don't like Bill Gates and Windows 7 is their first interface which I can muster an iota of respect for. Funny how it reminds me of Mac OS X.

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #41 on: April 13, 2010, 05:09:14 pm »

I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life.

....I can't think of a single Microsoft product installed and used on my Macs. I've been very particular about it.

Maybe not on your Mac, but it is nigh on impossible to avoid them full stop and if there's something that does a job perfectly ok, then why do so?

Don't get me wrong, I love Macs and I have one but Windows is both useful and irreplaceable in its own right. Jobs is as much of a tool as Gates too....
Sideways yo!

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #42 on: April 13, 2010, 05:10:27 pm »

I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life.

....I can't think of a single Microsoft product installed and used on my Macs. I've been very particular about it.

But I bet you use the Internet, and cash machines and so on... You might not have any MS software installed on your Macs, but you haven't removed it from your life.

I have Mac Office on my primary Mac as it is massively useful for me to be able to view Excel and Powerpoint files on it without having to fire up a PC or run a virtual Windows session on the Mac. Works just fine by the way.

....I did write "installed and used on my Macs".

I have no need to use Excel etc or Office and I use Adobe InDesign instead.

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #43 on: April 13, 2010, 05:13:48 pm »

I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life.

....I can't think of a single Microsoft product installed and used on my Macs. I've been very particular about it.

Maybe not on your Mac, but it is nigh on impossible to avoid them full stop and if there's something that does a job perfectly ok, then why do so?

Don't get me wrong, I love Macs and I have one but Windows is both useful and irreplaceable in its own right. Jobs is as much of a tool as Gates too....

....I did write "I don't take any notice of what Steve Jobs etc says". Doesn't anyone bother to read my posts?

There happens to be no place nor need for Windows in my life  :smiley:

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Offline mclovin

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Re: Apple iMac
« Reply #44 on: April 13, 2010, 05:15:46 pm »

I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life.

....I can't think of a single Microsoft product installed and used on my Macs. I've been very particular about it.

But I bet you use the Internet, and cash machines and so on... You might not have any MS software installed on your Macs, but you haven't removed it from your life.

I have Mac Office on my primary Mac as it is massively useful for me to be able to view Excel and Powerpoint files on it without having to fire up a PC or run a virtual Windows session on the Mac. Works just fine by the way.

....I did write "installed and used on my Macs".

I have no need to use Excel etc or Office and I use Adobe InDesign instead.

Agreed, but Tony did say "I'm not sure anyone can completely remove Microsoft from their life" and given that you view documents created with Microsoft software on your Mac you clearly have not achieved that...

Pedant? Moi?  :happy2:

As for Adobe products on a Mac, you might not even have that luxury for much longer given the huge, unnecessary fight Steve Jobs has got into with Adobe regarding Flash.