General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

changing a link

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not sure if its possible or it can be done on here..When posting a link to another fom.instead of putting a long link up ie;board=10.0
you can change it to clicky

try doing as below

--- Code: ---
[url=;board=10.0] clicky version[/url]

--- End code ---;board=10.0
clicky version

both above go to the same url


Or you can write:

[ url=http://www.web address the long gobblygook ][ color=blue ][ u ] Your own text here [ /u ][ /color ][ /url ]

^ I've put spaces in so you can read the code. Up to you if you want colour and underscore.
All the reader would see is "Your own text here", underscored, in colour, and it would be a live link.

I think this is more down to personal preference and knowledge. Some forumites including myself will happily create clickies. But others just copy amd paste the url. Adding a feature to shorten this isn't likely to be used unless the forum automatically does this.

This is something ive been wanting to do to shorten urls but didnt know that the txt box worked like that  :notworthy:


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