General > Shows, Events and Meets

Northern meet ?.

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Gene Hunt:
Full posal details here. Flying Legends,Clifton Moor Centre, York.YO30 4XY. 01904 693239. Which date would be best ?,13th or 20th June. :smiley:........ :ashamed: date ammended.

disco stu:
ok mate no worries! Sounds like you fly? am i right?  :confused:

Sooner the better for mate  :jumpmove:

Gene Hunt:

--- Quote from: disco stu on May 22, 2010, 06:48:28 pm ---ok mate no worries! Sounds like you fly? am i right?  :confused:

Sooner the better for mate  :jumpmove:

--- End quote --- mate.Work for the M.O.D. & sometimes in a ''secure'' area were no phones or anything that can store-transmit data is permited.

theres three of us in lincoln that would be up for a meet, we had this conversation the other day as it happens

Gene Hunt:

--- Quote from: jimlad09 on May 23, 2010, 12:35:59 pm ---theres three of us in lincoln that would be up for a meet, we had this conversation the other day as it happens

--- End quote ---
............nice one any preference to the date ?. 12th or 20th seem best.  :happy2:


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