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Author Topic: Updating...speeding up my 510  (Read 1390 times)

Offline dajonic

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Updating...speeding up my 510
« on: April 19, 2010, 06:03:11 pm »
Apologies if this has been asked unit runs the 900 software(?) but its really sluggish to the touch and takes what seems to me to be an age to get going.  I'd like to speed it up if possible and update things like maps and pois like shell garages and the speed camera positions, but reading the posts on here about the different software you have to use and files and iso's and stuff. I'm afraid its a different language and I haven't got a clue what you're talking about. Can someone point me in the right direction where to start or who I should talk to. Thanks

Offline Richn83

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Re: Updating...speeding up my 510
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2010, 11:23:36 am »
Best site to read is  This will give you details of the firmware, what the different versions do, and also any known issues to watch out for.  There is also a thread on firmware in the satnav section its quite long but worth a read, as some of it is a bit of a second language.

Tha basis of updating the RNS unit is to burn an image file (ISO, think of it as a picture of the content of a DVD or CD) onto a CD and then place this into your unit, the rest all just happens by itself.

A couple of things to be aware of whne messing around with your firmware, is the potential bricking unit issue (where the hardware in the unit isnt compatible with the new firmware) and power-drain issues with your cars CAN gateway.

The later Can gateway issue will depend on the age of your car, if the car (and therefore the gateway) was manufactured prior to when the RNS unit became available then you cant upgrade the firmware beyond 1100.  You can replace the gateway (details on the site I linked at the top) and then upgrade to the latest firmware which will add a whole host of features as well as speeding the unit up.

Hope the above helps, once you have read up on the my-gti site and the firmware section, post back with any questions, one of the experts round here on the RNS is Morttygttdi sure he wouldnt mind you pming him once you have sussed out what you want to do to confirm details.   :happy2:

5Dr Black GTI, DSG, Leather, Xenons. Retrofitted - Cruise, RNS 510, MFSW, Armrest, Skoda BT, 6cd changer, Monza II's, VW speaker upgrade kit, Lux pack, High-line, new CAN gateway, Polar FIS info display, R32 tinted rear lights, RVC

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Offline dajonic

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Re: Updating...speeding up my 510
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2010, 11:36:31 am »
Cheers RICHN83. Will get onto that :happy2:

Offline Richn83

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Re: Updating...speeding up my 510
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2010, 11:44:20 am »
No problem Dajonic, one thing I didnt really mention was the to burn the image file you will need a programme like NERO, and the ISO for the nav units is a .nrg file, which can be torrented or downloaded from rapidshare but the my-gti site has links to these files as well as explaining what to do.  :happy2:

5Dr Black GTI, DSG, Leather, Xenons. Retrofitted - Cruise, RNS 510, MFSW, Armrest, Skoda BT, 6cd changer, Monza II's, VW speaker upgrade kit, Lux pack, High-line, new CAN gateway, Polar FIS info display, R32 tinted rear lights, RVC

To Come...NQSBBK, highline CCM.