Or slashed down the middle at an angle with the Union Jack?
....Use of the Union Jack tends to look tacky and cheap. Use of any national flag will look just that: Nationalistic.
Agreed that over use of the St Georges cross has made it look a little chav, but the Union Jack?? 
I think the Swastika is a little underused nowadays and could be used to denote a German car quite easily. 

Nath, I should have clarified my words about the use of the Union Jack. I meant to say that its use
often looks cheap and tacky - it depends entirely on how and where its used imo - Just as Hedge has pointed out about the St.George's. Personally I think that if you are sporting a national flag you should be
officially representing that nation or flying an actual flag itself. Me, I'm of mixed blood and don't feel British anyway, especially when I'm travelling abroad even on a UK passport.