This one?

If so that's not the GTI font, check the bar on the T for example. The font I've used, ITC Lubalin Graph is closer to the original imo.
The other text is Helvetica Neue. Each character has been kerned individually.
dude, i know its not the GTI font as found on the is however the font used at the top of the site therefore matching the website banner to the sticker which was the original idea

if need be i can simply scan the actual gti badge to be 100% faithful and jobs done, but it wouldnt match the banner on the website anymore. depends how closely related things are needed to be
the design seems hot to trot, but we could spend weeks getting everyone happy with the nitty gtitty

i can have this ready for sale very quickly....
decide on your fonts, or not (scanned badge) and bat it back and forth then once everyones agreed the bossman/mods can nod it and were away