Spooky that I was going to start this very thread..principally as I cannot see possibly what I would want to replace my gti with.....
Only thing I can think of is an Ed30....would like an R32 but the roadtax rip off puts me off....outside that the Audi isnt doing it for me, quite fancied a 2001/2002 996..but the engines are going POP all over the place at a 5-11k fix price....

So..Ive got a 2005 (55), MY06 GTI fully loaded, DSG...not sure I can afford to shell out much more a month to step to an Ed30 at stealer prices

Keep noticing them though....
I think it may have to be a 5 door...one or two logistical issues recently have left me wanting the rear access.
...if anyone with a 5 door ed30, wants a swap and some cash their way....(lol its a long shot but....who knows someone may want to free up some cash,...get in touch)