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Eurofighter/Typhoon vids = Awesome!!!

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Awesome aircraft, best part of a day out at Wings and Wheels Dunsfold last year was seeing one of these bad boys  :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:


--- Quote from: Greenouse on April 28, 2010, 09:35:59 pm ---
--- Quote from: B3n on April 28, 2010, 09:34:03 pm ---Cant beat a bit of mach loop action :happy2:

Im going up in a few weeks time if you fancy it?

--- End quote ---

Yeh post up as and when, I'd love a day up there, and the drive would be good too!  :jumpmove:

--- End quote ---

Yer cool will do :happy2: Oh and the drive haha there are some cracking roads up that way :driver:

I can haz Typhoon

A truly awesome piece of kit.  :happy2:

I thought you'd be along soon enough big fella!  :happy2:

Awesome pic!  :notworthy:

I was lucky enough to see one of these at Goodwood last year and it was truly awe inspiring! Hair on the back of the neck moment!  :notworthy:

Moi  :innocent:

From Dunsfold Wings and Wheels 2008.  :happy2:

Where's Mach Loop?


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