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How does a thicko take a screen shot.

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Top Cat:
When i was in work today, i was having a problem with a page so the helpful techie chap told me to take a screen shot.
he said just press the PrtSC button then go to the your email, right click then paste. I did and it worked fine. Tried it tonight on my home PC and it doesn't work.  :chicken:

So how do i do it chaps.  :ashamed:

Print screen then paste into paint or paintbush. :smiley:

Top Cat:
Couldnt find paintbrush but i have a screen shot in microsoft picture manager.  :smiley:

How do i get it from there onto a forum page, do i have to load it as a pic in photo bucket then paste here.  :fighting2:

that would work  :smiley:

Top Cat:

Thank s guys.  :notworthy:

Is there a quicker way of doing it rather than uploading it as a pic. Seems a bit long winded.  :happy2:


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