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Author Topic: Anyone else still unsure who you are going to vote for??  (Read 8477 times)

Offline S2 Ant

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Re: Anyone else still unsure who you are going to vote for??
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2010, 10:21:24 am »
There seems to have been a lot of good stuff i've read lately about a coalition government - make them work together. TBH having listened to a lot of what they all propose, no single party has my total agreement, but a combination of the big three seems to be the best solution.

What they need to get their head around is that this isnt some kind of power trip and stop wanting to be the big i am, they need to put the people of this country first, not their own political careers!

A hung parliament could be the best thing for this country - just so long as they can actually work together and not just carry on with the petty arguing like school children trying to gain dominance over the other 2.

Offline GTIjames

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Re: Anyone else still unsure who you are going to vote for??
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2010, 10:33:43 am »
hung parliament will be an absolute disaster, don't try and kid yourself anyother way

nothing would ever get done as they would be arguing constantly and adjustments here there and eveywhere to each and every policy

it would lead to further devaluation in the pound and tbh it really cant get much lower or we will all be sunning ourselves in bognor rather than the bahamas

if it does happen you will most likely see another election within 12 months and that is the last thing this country needs as we need action now and it needs to be decisive

if someone can provide me with an example of hung parliament actually working in the past century then I might not be so cinical

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Offline S2 Ant

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Re: Anyone else still unsure who you are going to vote for??
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2010, 10:49:42 am »
If they can get past the petty arguing tho it might end up being a good thing. The problem is at the moment, especially with these debates that have been on TV, its not really about policy but getting one over on the other guy.

Too many people now rate DC for the job, but his primary concern and constant repeating has been the only way forward is them in power on their own despite the fact that they dont have the best interests for us at heart.

Im not particuarly a Labour fan, however a 1% increase in NI isnt the end of the world and i'd much rather that than a hike in Income tax next year for example where we the workers pay the full amount of the increase, instead of it being split between employer and employee.

The end of the day tho, people in this country get it too easy to sit on there arses unemployed and that really needs to be changed so it doesnt pay better to sit around all day - there are countless women where i live who's aim is to have a couple of kids because they will then get free housing and benefits, one in particular i know has 2 kids, hasnt worked since she was 16, gets a free house in a nice area, rent and council tax etc covered and over £1k to spend, granted the kids will eat in to this but this is money i work my arse off to earn and she just gets it given to her and this country has far too many of these scroungers !!! At least when people from within the EU come here for work they actually work for their money - many times i hear that people like the Polish work much harder and for less - people in this country have become lazy and its been rewarded far too much !!

To be fair tho, if i had my way life would start resembling North Korea lol - none of this Prison aka Butlins Holiday Camp for being a naughty boy - put the fcukers to work and give us something for our money, not a sodding plasma TV and xbox in a nice cell.

Some of this stuff really makes my blood boil !!

 :mad: Rant over lol
« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 10:53:06 am by S2 Ant »

Offline GTIjames

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Re: Anyone else still unsure who you are going to vote for??
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2010, 10:59:37 am »
i agree ant especially with what you mentioned on the social state, but this has all come about in the past 13 years thanks to the hand out culture which labour has created

tax rises are inevitable which ever party get in, the debt this government has put on us is expected to be around £90,000 for each and every household in the country

the only way we can pay this back is by huge spending cuts and tax increases, one or the other is simply not enough

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Re: Anyone else still unsure who you are going to vote for??
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2010, 11:29:28 am »
The way I see it - there all as bad as each other but as much as it frightens us one of them has to do it.

I wouldn't trust any of them with something thats means anything to me.  Sometimes its almost like getting your hopes up to only let you down.

Offline TonyZed

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Re: Anyone else still unsure who you are going to vote for??
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2010, 02:36:13 pm »
hung parliament will be an absolute disaster, don't try and kid yourself anyother way

nothing would ever get done as they would be arguing constantly and adjustments here there and eveywhere to each and every policy

it would lead to further devaluation in the pound and tbh it really cant get much lower or we will all be sunning ourselves in bognor rather than the bahamas

if it does happen you will most likely see another election within 12 months and that is the last thing this country needs as we need action now and it needs to be decisive

if someone can provide me with an example of hung parliament actually working in the past century then I might not be so cinical

Totally agree, and I am very old so I remember the last fiasco in the 70's.


Offline mortygttdi

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Re: Anyone else still unsure who you are going to vote for??
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2010, 05:38:16 pm »
Where do I sign to get out of this sheet hole :sad1: sadly I have no intension of voting for any of them cos all there wanting to do is give up the British peoples freedom and let brussels take over :confused:

They can all choke on there own policies for all I care.


Offline JPC

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Re: Anyone else still unsure who you are going to vote for??
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2010, 06:46:57 pm »
Where do I sign to get out of this sheet hole :sad1: sadly I have no intension of voting for any of them cos all there wanting to do is give up the British peoples freedom and let brussels take over :confused:

They can all choke on there own policies for all I care.



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Re: Anyone else still unsure who you are going to vote for??
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2010, 11:05:20 pm »
I will make some points. As I like numbered lists, the points will be in the form of a numbered list. I realise that although the Internetz is serious bizznizz, what I write will not change anyone's minds, and I'm sure you're fed up with my long boring monographs, but here we go anyway.

1. On a hung parliament - I do not believe this will be a disaster, despite the previous experience in this country. Many countries - most notably Scotland, but also places like Germany - function highly effectively with a coalition government, even when the governing party is in the minority. This builds consensus and adds much-needed oversight. I would like to point out that the preceding 26 years have consisted solely of monobloc single-party governments and have done much to damage the country, be it the 13-odd years of Labour or the 13 years of Conservative rule before that.
I'd also like to add that one of the most successful coalition governments was Winston Churchill's "all-party" government during World War 2; and that Churchill's appointment actually came about as the recommendation of his opposite, Neville Chamberlain.

With that said, let's move to some salient points about the parties.

2. As much as it pains me to say it (and it does pain me deeply) Labour has done an awful lot of good for this country. We might be on our way out of a terrible recession, but to be honest that's more Goldman Sachs' fault than anything else. Let's also remember the recession has been reasonably short (18 months, I think) and whilst very deep and painful, far from the nightmarish Great Depression of the 30s. Labour's economic policies have worked to get us moving out quickly (as opposed to a Greek/Spanish/Irish style neverending nightmare).

3. Labour have also done much, despite their breathtaking incompetence, to promote industry in the UK, and we are seeing a slow resurgence of science and technology-related business. Let us remember that the last Conservative government utterly destroyed manufacturing in the UK, instead preferring to support a "service-side industry" - that is, banks and hedge funds and the like - and the legacy of that is the recession we just passed through. Germany, with the strongest manufacturing sector in the EU, fared very well.

4. Labour has also significantly improved the infrastructure in the UK. The preceding Conservative government more or less abandoned the provision for new infrastructure, saying more or less "the market will provide". This resulted in mass traffic chaos, the deregulation of the bus system, privatization of the railways, and woeful undercapacity at airports. Labour implemented some reasonably sensible infrastructure policies which involved much road-widening and building, a reorganisation of the privately-run railways resulting in pretty good fares and reliability these days, and the provision for extra capacity at airports.

5. Lest this turn into an advert for Labour, I'd like to say that Labour in government has been stunningly incompetent, had little to no understanding of electronic data or infrastructure, has taken far too much time to do all the "good" stuff I've listed above, led us into an illegal war, passed far too many laws, acted in far too risk-averse a manner, and reacted in a knee-jerk fashion to far too many things.

6. No one apart from the Liberal Democrats have actually said anything reasonable regarding immigration (let me state my view: I'm all for it, as long as immigrants contribute to society and pay tax); Labour doesn't quite know what to say, and the Conservatives have somehow managed to turn not having a plan into a talking point.

7. Conservative plans for non-state-run-state-schools are laughable. Teaching is a discipline and should be left to professionals, not to groups of well-intentioned parents. Such schools end up teaching things like creationism as science. Likewise for many of these Conservative plans to invite the "people to join the government". I don't know about you, but when I'm tended to by a doctor I'd like him to have some certificates; I want to know that the bridge I drive over has been built by qualified people. Specialism and training matters. Letting amateurs run (most) things is a bad idea.

8. As far as I'm concerned the EU is a generally good idea, even if terribly executed in concept, and any talk from anyone about "pulling out" is balderdash and will cause major disruption and chaos. People saying such things should be laughed at.

9. One of the most important issues that needs to be addressed is that of parliamentary reform. The first-past-the-post system is nonsensical and should be overhauled. A Scottish-style proportional representation system would be better. The Liberal Democrats are the only ones talking about this. Labour and the Conservatives tend to ignore the issue.

10. No one has a sensible energy policy. Every seems to think all energy will be provided for by magical windfarms. Nuclear is the only realistic option, but no one wants to admit it; Labour are the only party to have made fumbling forays in that direction. The Conservatives are ignoring it and the LibDems have said they oppose nuclear.

11a. Things like "bigotgate" are to be ignored; we already know they're all liars/idiots and tbh Gordon was just caught unlucky with the mic. The decision should be made on policy rather than who is the frontman, because as we know, the frontman in UK politics is essentially interchangeable.

11b. With all that said: a re-elected monobloc Labour government would be bad (I'm fed up with them, as I'm sure many are), but they would be reassuringly incompetent and unable to perform their basic functions at the very least. An outright Conservative victory would be frankly terrifying in my opinion, and would stand to gut the country's industry and manufacturing sectors which is only just getting back on its feet.

12. The best option therefore, is a Labour-LibDem coalition; the LibDems would hopefully stop some of the imbecilic Labour policies, Labour would stop the worst of the LibDem policies, and some useful stuff (like electoral reform) would get through. Together they would also have some 50-60% of the vote; far greater than a monobloc government which would have received some 30-40% of the vote.

Who will I be voting for? Well, in my case it's essentially irrelevant because I live in a staunch Conservative stronghold, and under first-past-the-post that's unlikely to change (more call for electoral reform!); but it will go to the Liberal Democrats even if they are a bunch of Guardian-reading hippies.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 11:36:30 pm by cmdrfire »

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Re: Anyone else still unsure who you are going to vote for??
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2010, 11:35:57 pm »
Ill vote labour, even though Gordon Brown is 90% spazmoid. I think if DC gets in, this country will be ruined.



Offline jimlad09

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Re: Anyone else still unsure who you are going to vote for??
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2010, 12:26:27 am »
anyone but labour or cons. Not sure lib dems are ready i think there is genuinely a MASSIVE void and flaw in our government. Its not ran by a prime minister its ran by a whole team of advisors and spin doctors, the likes of which probably dont change from each election. So there really begs the question once this amazing, all singing all dancing, candidate gets in it wont be long till its business as usual. And with things like that doctor (his name evades me) who was found dead at the bottom of his garden all to do with mi5 and iraq evidence surely another indication of serious goings ons which we will only ever hear a tiny portion of evidence.

Europe is a joke. I saw quoted somewhere its costing us £60Billion....not a typo BILLION a year to be part of this magical club, for which average joe rarely sees a benefit. I dont disagree there are probly benefits to people somewhere but its not seen in our taxes or fuel duty or anything else. EU membership has seen a mass increase in population that has crippled our countries resources. We're become europe doormat and dumping ground.

In reality i think our once great much loved country is royally up a certain creek without a paddle. No industry. No money. No identity. And seemingly no one wants to jump up and down about it, people seem happy to let it happen.

I hasten to add the national party are NOT the answer, where many of their "policies" line up with my views on face value, i think its pretty obvious the PR machine is doing a good job of saying "Look we're british for british people" etc etc but they are still a racist, fascist etc etc nasty group of people. Not for me, never will be.

So come voting day i might simply close my eyes and tick a box!

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Re: Anyone else still unsure who you are going to vote for??
« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2010, 12:35:52 am »
Crikey! That's some post, cmdrfire  :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

I haven't voted for many decades but am thinking of doing so this time. But it's for the party whom I think will be the lesser of the three evils - Logic says Lib-Dem but heart says Conservative. Based on overall ethos rather than detailed policies.

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Offline jimlad09

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Re: Anyone else still unsure who you are going to vote for??
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2010, 12:41:46 am »
i think your right, really is lesser of the three evils as in reality its a two horse race with an outside chance of lib dems...time for a change for definate tho!

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Re: Anyone else still unsure who you are going to vote for??
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2010, 12:53:17 am »

Europe is a joke. I saw quoted somewhere its costing us £60Billion....not a typo BILLION a year to be part of this magical club, for which average joe rarely sees a benefit. I dont disagree there are probly benefits to people somewhere but its not seen in our taxes or fuel duty or anything else. EU membership has seen a mass increase in population that has crippled our countries resources. We're become europe doormat and dumping ground.

Ah, to the contrary! We haven't had a war in Central or Western Europe for over sixty years now! I'd say that means the EU is fulfilling its basic function!

Crikey! That's some post, cmdrfire  :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

I haven't voted for many decades but am thinking of doing so this time. But it's for the party whom I think will be the lesser of the three evils - Logic says Lib-Dem but heart says Conservative. Based on overall ethos rather than detailed policies.

Do it! Cast the ballot! Exercise your sovereign franchise!

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Re: Anyone else still unsure who you are going to vote for??
« Reply #29 on: May 01, 2010, 01:00:49 am »
Oh i agree keeping peace etc fantastic. Good news all round. But doesnt that what being a member of the UN is all about? we dont reeeeally need to throw £60billion or whatever at something we dont need to be in. and we dont need to be in europe. We dont have the euro as it is so why do we have to have laws made for our country for us by none UK residents. Its wrong. and we still get bent over.

Example Fishing. Our fishermen have their waters and quoters forever cut or capped. Spain on the other hand simply expand into the areas our guys used to go. Where our guys have to under EU law stay out spain do what they want.

....on spain i was told that they take more money out of the european piggy bank than anyone else and put the least in. Greece are stuffed and as france and germany are bailing them out they think the euro will take a huge hit, imagine if blair had got us signed up to the euro as per the plan?!