If it was me driving and they kept doing that I would have just stuck my foot on the brake and my brakes brake quicker and harder than his

and then when they pull you that's when you say why are driving like that it's just wrong and then get his name and number and report him. I had one try it with me a while back, followed me for about 4 miles from one set of traffic light on to the m62 and followed every lane change I made and then pulled me

I had wife (solicitor) and my 2 year old son in the back and was asked if it was my car and I said yes and why have I been pulled? He said just checking it's your car

, what he should have said was I like the look of your car I just wanted to have a nose around it

. My wife just said to him you have no reason to pull us over and so I said good bye and drove off

I think I shocked him by driving off too