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500Hp!!AWd octavia vRS conversion
--- Quote from: vRSy on April 30, 2010, 11:02:06 pm ---cos no one would have a 4wd octavia vRS in the uk lol
--- End quote ---
And for that reason you should ignore me and go do it.. Ha.. Can't beat having something different :smiley:
What about the motor though? No point being 4WD unless your going to play there too :wink:
Hmmm lol, im meant o be selling the car. this could be what im after,
im interested in the jabba goings on right now.
I reckon haldex conversion could be done for 2.5k if not less. depends on how much you do yourself and how cheaply you get the bits of the donor car.
I've been muttering the same thing for a while now. I think the best way to do it would be to buy a 4x4 2.0FSi and drop a TFSi into it. Not looked recently but the 2.0FSi were quite cheap as they aren't the most desirable of motors. Only available as an Estate though.
There's someone selling the entire running gear from an R32 on ebay. buy it now for 750! Includes full haldex system, drive shafts brakes etc. Almost tempted to buy it myself and convert mine :grin:
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