A good mate Marv asked if i could give his Editon one mk2 a detail, always loved this car and the colour so on friday it got dropped off at my unit looking like this

It was fairly clean just some light brake dust and some dust on the paintwork. So first up was the wheels, these have only been on the car for a couple of months max so they were easy to clean, a spary with bilbeery mixed at 4:1 and worked in with a swissvax detail brush...
these were then power rinsed and it was onto the bumpers, arches and other plastics, these were doe with megs APC and De-greaser

This was worked in wth variuos brushes. It was then onto the snow foam stage, car was foamed twice with megs shampoo plus

This was then power rinsed off, the car was the washed 2BM method with a sonus lambswool mtt and Chemical guys glossworkz shampoo, car was then rinsed again and started to clay the car using CYC yellow fine clay and Megs last touch as lube, the clay after the driver door top half

then rest of the car was clayed and the larger tar spots were removed with AS tardis.
Car was then rinsed again and taken inside, dried with ultra plush towels and Megs last touch as a drying aid and taped up ready for correction.

I tryed a few pad and polish combos and found that a 3M yellow polishing pad and Megs #83 was giving a correction level i was happy with leaving behind a few deeper RDS but removing 99% of the other scrathces and swirling and improving the paint clarity greatly.

onto the tailgate




i wasnt happy with not being able to get polishing right into the pate recess so it was off with the plate and holder to reveal this

a good wipe down with Megs APC and a clay, then a hit with a chemical guys spot pad hex logic white with megs #83 left this

once the whole car was polished i removed the tape and puled the car outside and gave it a good dust down and took a few quick pictures

the car was then taken back inside and given a coat of Zaino Z-2, whie this was left on i dressed the plastics and tyres etc with CG new look trim gel and polished the exhaust with 00 grade wire wool and belgom alu,
from this

to this

The Z-2 was then buffed off and a layer of Vics concours wax was applied and left while i polished the windows and sealed the wheels with poorboys wheel sealant.
once the wax was buffed off i gave the car a final wipe down the Zaino Z-8, took the ca outside and was left with these results

all in all it took me around 8 hours to complete, an amazing car.
all comments welcome
Cheers Craig