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HTC Desire or iPhone 3GS
Stealth, that comparison is amazing! Might have to post it in one of the Mac threads :laugh:
HTC all the way. Easily the best phone h/w around, and with Android 2.1 with Sense on top very nice s/w too.
Remember the Nexus One (Googlephone) is actually made by HTC too!
The iPhone 4 should be pretty impressive, in fact I wouldn't buy a new phone before that comes out. There will also be a host of new phones coming out this summer, Dell for example are about to launch 2 Android based phones (and they are going to be very impressive - and they're also going to be launching a pretty sexy Windows Phone 7 unit ( In fact, the Windows Phone 7 platform is likely to shake things up considerably:
Personally I'm considering upgrading my iPhone 3G to an iPhone 4 next month (launches June 7th) but even I am considering holding on for these Windows Phone 7 units to launch before I take the plunge (and yes, HTC will be launching one too).
Those Windows 7 phones look sweet as anything. You can download the devkit and emulator and have it running on your computer and it's a swish interface. Phones will be very highly spec'd too... but launch isn't until September!
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