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few pics from the last few days

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stunning pictures mate. what lence have you used? and where abouts in the country is that garden? it looks like narnia!


--- Quote from: JPC on January 14, 2009, 10:13:00 am ---stunning pictures mate. what lence have you used? and where abouts in the country is that garden? it looks like narnia!

--- End quote ---

cheers mate the lenses used were the 18mm to 55mm and 55mm to 220mm nikon lenses.

as for where they were taken my parents have a caravan in devon and the pictures were taken from there :)

ooohh where abouts it looks fab?


--- Quote from: JPC on January 14, 2009, 11:36:26 am ---ooohh where abouts it looks fab?

--- End quote ---

just outside woolacombe (north devon) i get down there when i can. love it down there

thats very strange!

from about age 4 to age 14 i went to woolacombe every year for our weeks summer holiday with my family. i love that place to be honest, we never had much of a family when i was that age so i made the most of it and they were the best holidays ever, and it never rained!

we used to stay in the same hotel every year called crossways but they sold up and moved to barbados! lol

we havent been since. id love to go again tho. i used to love going on walks with my dad up in the hills around there too...

anyways..ill shut up now!


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