If it's so bad, how come no-one ever complains about it 
. How many people know about caster before the WALK came out and now everyone loves it
Everyone seems to rate the WALK myself included so I reckon whiteline know what they're talking about And the BSK is a cheap mod so worth a go IMO.
I did

i also know all about KPI and camber, but then i did spend 5 yrs learning my trade, now they do it in 12 months, its not right
back on topic, rose joints are commonly used on track cars to A, keep a tight feel to the steering feedback and B to pervent tramlining effects (bump steer) so basiclly there is nothing new about this kit, its used many times over on the track week in week out and has done for decades
the thing is (and this goes for any mod) once you have spent your money buying it, then maybe paying to have it fitted you will always see some benefits as you wanna justify the spend, even if the benefits are very small