We jacked my car up and Dave and PG cleaned off as much as they could with the car used as a Lathe.

Put them back on and went down that road you suggested mike, and kicked the living sh*te out of them.
First off that road was easily the best road i have driven down. It was dead, no traffic, and simply amazing, including mountain passes, stunning scenery and high speed corners. I was pumping with adrenalin and joy once i realized the brakes were working ok enough to go out on the ring.

Basically they were still vibrating like a jack hammer but the trip on the road gave me confidence in their ability to stop me when requested, which was my main concern.
Thanks to both of you for helping as well in my moment of terror and sadness, i think i just needed someone to tell me that they were not going to fail with this vibration even though all of my body was telling me that they were going to explode.