ok i,m too excited to wait untill its all finished so i,m gonna do a hated teaser.
getting my blueflame r32 catback exhaust done on monday- 4 hr drive to them at 4AM

had a major fcuk up with a dodgy bumper last time i tried but got a proppa vw one
heres the shiny stuff
i had the exhaust valence water transfered in carbon print and then laquered.
this is basically as hard as vw paint and imo looks as good as the carbon mask i have on the front
sorry only iphone pics at mo but i,m vellllly excited

cant give you any individual prices yet as i got quoted by a guy doing the whole job but i willbe able to do more pics and info next week as my car gets it facelift- finally and i can stop driving you all insane with stoopid questions and inane queries.
i have also had the splitter fron and rear badge done the same so more pics to follow next week.
let me know what ya think?