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Author Topic: bluetooth  (Read 6170 times)

Offline Smudgster

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Re: bluetooth
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2010, 04:58:23 pm »
Aint worth that in my eyes. I just bought a kit on VRSTU and fitted it myself. I did have a friend sort the canbus wires for me. I did struggle with the coding but VrStu came to the rescue. I am very very happy with it!!!!! and it didnt cost me no where near £600

Offline markfive

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Re: bluetooth
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2010, 09:50:07 pm »
£600 including installation is a lot, they are not that hard to install.

There are two OEM kits, the difference is in the last bit of the part number:
729x supports most phones that support the BT handsfree profile. In theory the later the revision the better the support (although a 729C seems to be newer than a 729D - so 729C and 729E are the most recent versions)
730x supports phones with remote SIM access profile support only (see my post in the For Sale section for some more info on this)

They are both equally easy to install, pretty much plug and play - no cutting or splicing of wires needed although some dash and trim disassembly is needed and you will need access to someone who can code the unit for you.

If you have the red Highline MFD then you need the 729B unit (or a 730A or 730B if your phone supports RSAP). There are versions of the 729 unit up to 729E but these do not interface with the red MFD (the kit still works but you will need an RNS510 head unit to use it)
I have had an iPhone 3GS, an HTC Desire, an HTC HD2 and an HTC HD Mini all successfully paired and working (making/receiving calls) with a 729B unit. The B units are getting rarer but are still available - I bought mine two weeks ago.

A mate of mine has a Fiscon installed and the functionality is great, but he tanks it up and down the motorway every day and has commented on some people not being able to hear him properly when he's, er, keeping up with the flow of traffic.

If you don't have the MFD then I'd probably go for a Parrot kit with it's own display. These will work with any HU and don't need to be coded, although installation is a bit trickier because you need to place the display unit.

I should get out more......  :signLOL:
'57 DSG GTI alas now gone, but not forgotten....
Now motorway cruising in a 61 Mondeo Titanium X Sport 2.2 TDCi. 500+ miles to a tankful and bucketloads of torque :O Ok, it's not a GTI but it's fun... and that's what counts ;)

Offline Richn83

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Re: bluetooth
« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2010, 09:19:34 am »
Great info Mark, and a nice selection of phones, have a HD2 myself and about to purchase a 729 B so glad to hear the functionality is good,  :happy2:

5Dr Black GTI, DSG, Leather, Xenons. Retrofitted - Cruise, RNS 510, MFSW, Armrest, Skoda BT, 6cd changer, Monza II's, VW speaker upgrade kit, Lux pack, High-line, new CAN gateway, Polar FIS info display, R32 tinted rear lights, RVC

To Come...NQSBBK, highline CCM.

Offline markfive

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Re: bluetooth
« Reply #18 on: May 19, 2010, 09:32:19 am »
No probs. Only thing to note with the HD2 is that it does not provide any network info - so although calls work ok and contacts transfer over ok, you don't see your network & signal strength in the phone screen of the RNS510. If I get a chance later I'll pair it up and take a picture so you can see what I mean. If you've not got an RNS510 then this just isn't a problem of course  :wink:

The HD2 does support rSAP though, and I used it just fine with my old rSAP bluetooth kit - only issue was that when it was connected via rSAP I lost the data connection. But everything else was fine.   :happy2:
'57 DSG GTI alas now gone, but not forgotten....
Now motorway cruising in a 61 Mondeo Titanium X Sport 2.2 TDCi. 500+ miles to a tankful and bucketloads of torque :O Ok, it's not a GTI but it's fun... and that's what counts ;)

Offline Richn83

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Re: bluetooth
« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2010, 09:57:18 am »
Cheers Mark, gonna be using it with the RNS, good to know that the missus iphone will also function.  picture would be excellent  :smiley:

5Dr Black GTI, DSG, Leather, Xenons. Retrofitted - Cruise, RNS 510, MFSW, Armrest, Skoda BT, 6cd changer, Monza II's, VW speaker upgrade kit, Lux pack, High-line, new CAN gateway, Polar FIS info display, R32 tinted rear lights, RVC

To Come...NQSBBK, highline CCM.

Offline mackit

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Re: bluetooth
« Reply #20 on: May 19, 2010, 10:20:52 am »
Thes guys will do it for £430:


VW Edition 30 DSG, 5 door, RNS-510

Offline pirelli@40!

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Re: bluetooth
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2010, 01:47:38 pm »
Thanks for all the input guys, in particular Markfive for the details. All good stuff which will hopefully give me potentially savings!
Markfive - you mentioned the unit you brought was a 729B unit; where did you get it from and how much was it? Think i'll take up the DIY challenge so you guys will be hearing from me soon i suspect......

Offline markfive

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'57 DSG GTI alas now gone, but not forgotten....
Now motorway cruising in a 61 Mondeo Titanium X Sport 2.2 TDCi. 500+ miles to a tankful and bucketloads of torque :O Ok, it's not a GTI but it's fun... and that's what counts ;)

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Re: bluetooth
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2010, 10:59:31 pm »
Ok, these pics aren't the best quality but hopefully you get the idea.

First the Desire

Everything looks as you would expect.

Now the HD2

So it doesn't show the network or signal strength, nor are there any presets on the HD2 screen (because the phone book doesn't transfer to the RNS). This is actually all down to the RNS fw level. Versions of fw prior to 2660 should be OK (I haven't tried myself).
In any case the contacts do upload from the phone to the bluetooth unit correctly, and are accessible via MFD. They are also correctly listed with names in dialled/missed calls on the RNS.
'57 DSG GTI alas now gone, but not forgotten....
Now motorway cruising in a 61 Mondeo Titanium X Sport 2.2 TDCi. 500+ miles to a tankful and bucketloads of torque :O Ok, it's not a GTI but it's fun... and that's what counts ;)

Offline Richn83

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Re: bluetooth
« Reply #24 on: May 20, 2010, 08:39:07 am »
Cheers Mark,  Thats a little annoying!  My RNS is still on 1100 so once ive installed will test it out, although I was thinking of upgrading once installed to add the voice control but maybe I will give that a miss until the firmware is fixed!

Other option is I will have to get myself an android handset  :evilgrin:

5Dr Black GTI, DSG, Leather, Xenons. Retrofitted - Cruise, RNS 510, MFSW, Armrest, Skoda BT, 6cd changer, Monza II's, VW speaker upgrade kit, Lux pack, High-line, new CAN gateway, Polar FIS info display, R32 tinted rear lights, RVC

To Come...NQSBBK, highline CCM.

Offline markfive

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Re: bluetooth
« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2010, 09:30:51 am »
Other option is I will have to get myself an android handset  evilgrin


'57 DSG GTI alas now gone, but not forgotten....
Now motorway cruising in a 61 Mondeo Titanium X Sport 2.2 TDCi. 500+ miles to a tankful and bucketloads of torque :O Ok, it's not a GTI but it's fun... and that's what counts ;)