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Author Topic: Wives, Girlfriends & Golfs.....are they compatible?  (Read 23340 times)

Offline madman

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Re: Wives, Girlfriends & Golfs.....are they compatible?
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2009, 04:26:19 pm »
Me and the mrs used to have a shared account that stopped a few years ago now. When i orded the bluefin she said what a waste of £££S but now that it is on she loves it  and she give a boxter a run for its money the other day. she asked me the other day when you gettin the milly :laugh: .Maybe she is use to it now as all she has ever knowed is me spending loads of cash. as a all round angler i have over 8k of fishing tackle in the garage and she has never batterd a eye lid

Offline NeilM

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Re: Wives, Girlfriends & Golfs.....are they compatible?
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2009, 04:28:20 pm »
When she asked how much my new set of wheels were going to be, I said about the same as the damage you caused backing the 3 series into a column at Lakeside.  :P

Offline tony_danza

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Re: Wives, Girlfriends & Golfs.....are they compatible?
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2009, 04:29:41 pm »
Mine's got absolutely no interest in cars, if I mention mods or meets then she just glazes over and calls me a loser (jokingly, I hope).. her ideal car is something pretty with all the lazy extras.
Sideways yo!

Offline DavyP

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Re: Wives, Girlfriends & Golfs.....are they compatible?
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2009, 04:30:41 pm »
My missus drives a cooper s with an lsd so is bit of a car nut herself.  Everytime i mention a remap she instantly replies, do it :smiley:
Its actually the sensible part of me putting me off.  The only reason i bought the rns-510, and the ed30 rear bumper and infact everything ive done to mine is because she was so pushy i just though **** it and spent the money :laugh:

Until I realised you owned a Gti and not an Ed30 I was almost going to ask was this you......

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Re: Wives, Girlfriends & Golfs.....are they compatible?
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2009, 04:33:23 pm »
Mine's got absolutely no interest in cars, if I mention mods or meets then she just glazes over and calls me a loser (jokingly, I hope).. her ideal car is something pretty with all the lazy extras.

Sometimes its the agreeable ones you have to watch for........whats she doing when she chases you off to those meets..... :jumpmove: :party: :grin:
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Re: Wives, Girlfriends & Golfs.....are they compatible?
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2009, 04:39:43 pm »
Mine's got absolutely no interest in cars, if I mention mods or meets then she just glazes over and calls me a loser (jokingly, I hope).. her ideal car is something pretty with all the lazy extras.


Mrs Greenouse says much the same!! She calls you lot my 'nerdy friends'  :grin: I keep trying to convince her your not a bunch of pale geeks who never see the daylight (well most of you anyway  :laugh:)!

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Re: Wives, Girlfriends & Golfs.....are they compatible?
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2009, 04:40:38 pm »
mine calls you lot cyber buddies or pretend friends :smiley:

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Re: Wives, Girlfriends & Golfs.....are they compatible?
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2009, 04:42:14 pm »
^^^^^^^ Phil **cough** Mcavity **cough cough**   :signLOL: :signLOL:

Now I don't know Phil, but based on my time as a lurker reading both this and the forum I reckon you might have a point. :grin:

Phil/Steve's a top man and Im sure he realises why I said him  :wink: :grin:

Offline tony_danza

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Re: Wives, Girlfriends & Golfs.....are they compatible?
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2009, 04:43:19 pm »
Mine's got absolutely no interest in cars, if I mention mods or meets then she just glazes over and calls me a loser (jokingly, I hope).. her ideal car is something pretty with all the lazy extras.

Sometimes its the agreeable ones you have to watch for........whats she doing when she chases you off to those meets..... :jumpmove: :party: :grin:

99/100 finding things for me to buy her - you can never win!!
Sideways yo!

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Re: Wives, Girlfriends & Golfs.....are they compatible?
« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2009, 04:43:26 pm »
I think I should mod the car before get married, then it shouldn't be so much hassle.

The GTI isn't just a machine. It's very much a living, breathing thing.

Offline DavyP

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Re: Wives, Girlfriends & Golfs.....are they compatible?
« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2009, 04:52:46 pm »
I think I should mod the car before get married, then it shouldn't be so much hassle.

Definately makes sense, I remember when we first got married we'd next to nothing as we'd just bought our house.  In the living room(which was quite big) all we had was a settee, coffe table and portable tv and upstairs a double bed.

So being the sensible one, i promptly headed to currys bought a huge telly and sky tv, my main reason being when i had a few beer and the double vision set in I couldnt see the football properly.

Funny enough Mrs P went nuts when she got home and seen them.  Women and their priorities eh? :evilgrin:
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Re: Wives, Girlfriends & Golfs.....are they compatible?
« Reply #26 on: January 14, 2009, 04:56:57 pm »
I think I should mod the car before get married, then it shouldn't be so much hassle.

Definately makes sense, I remember when we first got married we'd next to nothing as we'd just bought our house.  In the living room(which was quite big) all we had was a settee, coffe table and portable tv and upstairs a double bed.

So being the sensible one, i promptly headed to currys bought a huge telly and sky tv, my main reason being when i had a few beer and the double vision set in I couldnt see the football properly.

Funny enough Mrs P went nuts when she got home and seen them.  Women and their priorities eh? :evilgrin:

My excuse would have been along the lines of ''well I can't afford to go to the pub so I got these instead''  :grin:

Offline DavyP

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Re: Wives, Girlfriends & Golfs.....are they compatible?
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2009, 05:01:47 pm »
Talking of football and pubs read this joke recently , thought it was funny,

 A young couple are just about to have their first child, the woman has got very bad cravings for all funny things to eat , the husband likes a bit of a drink and a football match at the pub, one day the wife says “I fancy some snails” , “snails“ he said “snails” she says,  so off he goes to get the snails.

On his way back from the market he bumps into a old friend he hadn’t seen since school, “fancy a drink, the united games on” says his mate, “ok” he says, off they go to the pub .

7 hours later he’s on his way back home ,(pissed as a fart) he is wobbling all over the road ,  walking up his drive he trips and drops all the snails all over the drive, his wife comes out and says “ were the f**k have you been” , he looks down at the snails and says ”come on lads not far to go now”.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2009, 05:04:27 pm by DavyP »
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Re: Wives, Girlfriends & Golfs.....are they compatible?
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2009, 05:12:51 pm »
My missus drives a cooper s with an lsd so is bit of a car nut herself.  Everytime i mention a remap she instantly replies, do it :smiley:
Its actually the sensible part of me putting me off.  The only reason i bought the rns-510, and the ed30 rear bumper and infact everything ive done to mine is because she was so pushy i just though **** it and spent the money :laugh:

Until I realised you owned a Gti and not an Ed30 I was almost going to ask was this you......

LOL hell no.  The mini is a great little car to thrash occasionally but everytime i get back in the golf it just feels like everything has been done properly.  Much more complete car which does everything i could ever ask

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Re: Wives, Girlfriends & Golfs.....are they compatible?
« Reply #29 on: January 14, 2009, 05:35:15 pm »
The mrs doesnt really bother, as long as she gets things she wants then its sorta even - although it obviously costs me more in the end!

In fact the Mrs generally likes cars, she doesnt know the in's and out's like us chaps but then thats our job.  She told me the other day she would have my car, sell hers and then I could have a new golf ... now where's that watering can, the money tree needs some attention...

I also get the 'geeky forum' or 'geeks' in jest too.