I went to chase automotive in Cannock about 3 months ago. Had rear bumper apart from the exhaust part. Side skirts and front splitter sanded, primed and coded for £300. Looks ace now. Though is silver, not black.
That's quite interesting as I'm just up the road from Cannock. Were you happy with them, i.e. would you let them do it again? 
Also, have you got any pics of the work they did?
HI mate, all the pics of it are on my build thread on page 3:
http://www.mk5golfgti.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,7427.30.htmlThe colour doesn't look identical in the pics, but looks much better in person.
Cannot really fault the work, took 5 days to do, only problem is that the side skirts were not bonded on quite perfect, so there is a small gap (only about 2mm) between parts of the skirt and the chassis.