haha been there done that (then i wrote off my first car which never...ever helps!) big city doesnt help i guess.
Im 21 in september and cant wait! just in time for an s3 maybe?
Thats the plan anyway!
£500? i dream of that, no really i do! im paying double for a 1.8T Polo GTI which i guess isnt tooooo bad
Not too shabby, when I was 20 I was getting renewales of 700 on the ibiza, so was like fook that and got the cupra

It does go down massively when 21 though, my premium pretty much halved on the cupra. Still dear though.
i had an escort rs turbo when i was 18 and i thought £500 was too much back then (rs turbo was top group back then ) 
you guys dont know how good you had it then. Probably because there wasnt such a big claim culture back then.
When I got my first car and I was telling old people how much insurance was they all thought I was either a liar or just not searching hard enough which used to annoy the hell out of me. 17 year olds on their own insurance are nearly uninsurable. Unless you have a pair of tits ofcourse.