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Author Topic: superstition with poo  (Read 8410 times)

Offline matsu

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superstition with poo
« on: May 11, 2010, 11:27:02 am »
what is the supposed superstion with poo
is it lucky to tread in dog sh*t
or have a bird crap on you? superstition terms. imean i dont want the luck if i have to go thru the mess

reason i ask is my GF was coming out of a shop and she stopped as a woman cut in front of her and then the lady got shat on ,by what my GF describes as terydactyl poo- it was immense and it went everywhere and it stunk. she got some on her coat as it splatterd everywhere.

what else is believed to be lucky?
keep on doing what ya doing you,ll keep on getting what ya getting.

learn from the mistakes of others-"you dont live long enough to make them all yourself"

Offline tanbe174

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Re: superstition with poo
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2010, 11:29:16 am »
i wouldn't consider myself lucky if you got shat on, that's for sure !

Offline VC

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Re: superstition with poo
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2010, 11:58:08 am »
personally i think its more a way of people finding positive from a negative, google threw this up:

The Myth:

Getting pooped on by a bird is good luck.

Extensive research (lots of google-ing) has led me to one important conclusion.

The amount of luck present in any particular poop is directly influenced by the type of bird doing the pooping.

A. The Raven

The Raven is generally considered good luck because of its high intelligence. The larger the quantity of Ravens that poop on you at one time, the larger the amount of your luck. If a person gets pooped on by Seven Ravens or more, that person should be jumping up and down in glee...a great day! Getting pooped on by only one Raven, on the other hand, is not so lucky. This is all apparent in the following Folklore Rhyme:

“One Raven for sorrow, Two for joy, Three Ravens for a girl, Four for a boy, Five Ravens for silver, Six for gold, Seven Ravens for a secret never to be told.”

Another variation of this rhyme continues past Seven: "Eight for a Wish, Nine for a Kiss, Ten for a Time, of Joyous Bliss"

The Raven's good luck image comes partly from it's association with Heaven. Looking Ahead Under "Riddled Avians", It Says "Heaven Offers Truth". In Beowulf, the Raven is proclaimed as having communication with the Heavens: "They slept until the black raven, the blithe hearted proclaimed the joy of heaven."

(it should be noted, however, that I have no clue what "Blithe" means)

On the other hand, seeing a Raven isn't always considered good luck. It really all depends on the circumstances. As any person may correctly assume, seeing a bird suddenly fall dead from mid-air is a very ominous sign. This is especially true when it concerns the Raven. In Babylon, in 323 AD, it is said that as soon as Alexander the Great stepped foot into the city, a flock of Ravens fell dead from the sky. A few weeks later, Alexander, predictably, was dead. Coincidence? I think not.

But don't go hating the Raven for causing the death of Alexander the Great. These same Ravens were also the cause of prolonging his life! It is said that Alexander was guided through a desert by two Ravens sent from Heaven.

There are many more Raven myths and rhymes: If the Ravens ever leave the Tower of London (the tower houses over 900 of them), England shall fall...the government actually keeps tame Ravens on the ground of the Tower just in case! If a Raven's eggs are stolen, a baby will die. In Wales, a family will prosper if a Raven perches on their roof. In Scotland, a Raven circling a house predicts the death of someone within (obviously). In a Native American Legend, the Raven is depicted as the creator of living creatures by dropping pebbles into the ocean. The Legendary Arthur of Camelot is said to have turned into one. In Western England, some locals used to tip their hats to Ravens in order not to offend them.

B. The Owl

Despite the Owl's modern image of an astute and extremely wise creature, most myths associated with the Owl concern Evil tidings.

Some North American tribes believed that witches could assume the bodies of owls and fly around at night. In Africa, owls were thought to kill for witch doctors. In Celtic myth, the Owl was considered a bird of Darkness...or the "Corpse Bird". In Vedic legend, the god of the dead (Yama) used the owl as a messenger. The Aborigines in Australia believe the Owl is a messenger of the evil god Muurup, who eats children.

But don't worry if an owl has pooped on your head. There are a few...granted, only a very few...myths that depict the owl in a positive light. In Greek Myth, the Owl is said to be a husband of the goddess of wisdom, Athena. Who wouldn't wanna be pooped on by Athena's man!?! Also, if you know someone who has a problem with problem! Just offer them a few Owl eggs on a plate. Owl eggs were believed to be a cure for alcoholism in some parts of Europe.

C and D: The Crow and the Magpie

The two birds that you DO NOT wanna be pooped on by, are the Crow and the Magpie. These are bad, bad, bad birds!

A French saying states that evil priests became crows, and bad nuns became magpies. There is an ominous rhyme that goes: "A crow on the thatch, soon death lifts the latch." This rhyme came into effect if you saw a single crow perched on your roof. Much like the "black cat superstition", to have a single crow cross the path before you was bad luck. However, if you saw another, then the bad luck was canceled out: "Two crows I see, good luck to me." The Greeks used to say, "Go to the Crows!" much the same way that we say "Go to Hell!"

Magpies are ominous birds that foretell the future, according to the size of the group that they travel in. Magpies are believe to be cursed by God for not mourning properly and not wearing all black during the Crucifixion. In Scotland, Magpies are thought to be so evil that each has a drop of the devil's blood under its tongue.

Here are some helpful tips on how to protect against crows and magpies:

1. if you are unlucky enough to see a crow or magpie on the road, all is not lost. All you have to do is cross yourself, raise your hat to the bird, spit three times over your right shoulder, and proclaim "Devil, Devil, I defy you!". Of course, if you don't have a hat, then your out of luck.

2. if you live in an area were magpies are common, it would be best for you to carry an onion with you at all times.

In Summary, getting pooped on by a bird does not necessarily mean good luck. It's very important to look up and see what kind of bird has left you this present. A Raven or an Owl is more often than not a good sign. Magpies and Crows, on the other hand...just remember the onion.

If you get pooped on by a just means that you've been pooped on by a sparrow.

Offline Hedge

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Re: superstition with poo
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2010, 12:00:21 pm »
personally i think its more a way of people finding positive from a negative, google threw this up:

The Myth:

Getting pooped on by a bird is good luck.

Depends if it is Lucy Verasamy or not.   :signLOL:

Offline matsu

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Re: superstition with poo
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2010, 12:02:44 pm »
lol at hedge.... the old joke asks what would you do if a bird shat on your car the answer being you wouldnt take her out again :innocent:
hands but gr
VC.... you have far too much time on your hands but great info.  :drinking:
keep on doing what ya doing you,ll keep on getting what ya getting.

learn from the mistakes of others-"you dont live long enough to make them all yourself"

Offline cmdrfire

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Re: superstition with poo
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2010, 12:15:27 pm »
I think it's just bad luck more than anything else. If we draw a person in the centre of a nine-box grid, the chance of bird poo hitting the person in the middle of the grid as opposed to landing in one of the other eight boxes is only 1 in 32 (not 1 in 8, as you might think; the probability is based on the sum of squares) (I might have done the maths a bit wrong). So it's either bad luck or they're aiming!

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Re: superstition with poo
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2010, 12:21:15 pm »
lol at hedge.... the old joke asks what would you do if a bird shat on your car the answer being you wouldnt take her out again :innocent:
hands but gr
VC.... you have far too much time on your hands but great info.  :drinking:

me have too much time on my hands?  :chicken:

youre the one asking bird sh1t questions dude!  :grin: :P

i merely know how to use google  :wink: :drinking:

oh and Hedge... your a man with a plan  :grin:

Offline gulfstream11

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Re: superstition with poo
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2010, 12:54:01 pm »
A mate of mine got crapped on big time by a seagull in St Ives. A right mess,funniest thing I ever saw..He lost his car keys that afternoon. :laugh:

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Re: superstition with poo
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2010, 01:05:24 pm »
dont get me started on seagulls  :fighting:

tourists think nothing of feeding the fcuking things even though you can be fined £50 for doing it... then they wonder why they get swooped and have their pasties/chips/food taken from their hands

looks funny... but not when its done to toddlers and littleun's in pushchairs etc and leaves the child with cuts  :fighting:


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Re: superstition with poo
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2010, 01:09:05 pm »

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Re: superstition with poo
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2010, 01:15:59 pm »
Once you get a certain distance inland its legal to cull them (seagulls) but by the sea its illegal

theyre pure pests here, nothing more

Offline matsu

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Re: superstition with poo
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2010, 01:19:25 pm »
i got a week off so i got all the time in the world.... now just find out how to get rid of aqueaky centre dashes :confused:
keep on doing what ya doing you,ll keep on getting what ya getting.

learn from the mistakes of others-"you dont live long enough to make them all yourself"

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Re: superstition with poo
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2010, 01:20:29 pm »

Offline DaveB@Vagbremtechnic

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Re: superstition with poo
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2010, 01:21:32 pm »
Once you get a certain distance inland its legal to cull them (seagulls) but by the sea its illegal

theyre pure pests here, nothing more


My dad was in the Merchant Navy for 40 years - seagulls meant good news if you've just done the Atlantic in a force 8.

Understand your sentiment though

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Re: superstition with poo
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2010, 01:23:18 pm »
Once you get a certain distance inland its legal to cull them (seagulls) but by the sea its illegal

theyre pure pests here, nothing more


My dad was in the Merchant Navy for 40 years - seagulls meant good news if you've just done the Atlantic in a force 8.

Understand your sentiment though

my dad was merchant navy too coincidentally  :smiley: