The reason i'm pro fair trade would take a very long time to go into tbh, its not just coffee for me
billions are made and the workers in poorer countries where items i consume see nothing of it.
coffee just joins my list thats all 
i'm also a tree hugging energy lightbulb using vegetarian too..... but i drive a V6 so that balances it out 
Fair trade! US Marines died* so we could get slave-labour imported bananas damnit! I'll be damned if I'm going to eat politically correct ethnically harvested free farmer green organic produce***!
*Interesting story this. During the 1920s and 1930s, the US Marines invaded almost every single central American country, at the behest of the United Fruit Company and the International Banana Consortium, to ensure favourable trading rights for bananas, a hot topic in those days**. The local people were mostly enslaved and made to farm bananas, coffee, cocoa, and other cash crops and the United Fruit Company essentially became the de facto government, owning the land, workers houses, railways, post offices, telephones and telegraphs, et cetera, subjecting the native peoples to terrible brutality and hardship, particularly so in Columbia, Ecuador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Look up Banana Republics and the Banana Massacre if you're more interested.
**In the 1920s, Bananas harvested in Central America could be sold in New York or Europe for upwards of 1000% profit.
***These are not necessarily my views and I might actually drink fairtrade coffee and eat fairtrade bananas myself. Maybe.