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Author Topic: Revo DSG Software (Stage 2)  (Read 29615 times)

Offline Teutonic_Tamer

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Re: Revo DSG Software (Stage 2)
« Reply #45 on: May 05, 2010, 12:02:22 pm »
Nope it's not the mechantronics, it's the communications protocol.

The late 2008 cars like the Pirelli use a can bus based system where as the original ones (like mine) use the older style K-line comms.  :smiley:

Are you sure the DSG is K-line controlled?  I thought all modules on the Mk5 were CAN-BUS controlled - as is evident when carrying out an 'Auto detect' VCDS scan.  Ironically, my B7 RS4 does not auto detect - which means that some modules are non-CAN . . . .  :confused:

Yeah, the DSG uses K-line.

Steve jr at Statllers had no end of trouble trying to connect to the TCU due to this when he loaded the GIAC DSG software. :happy2:

Oh and the last dyno at Awesome threw up 415lbft!!! :scared:

What's that in Nm.  :wink:
Sean - Independant Automotive Engineering Technician (ret'd)
07 Golf5 GTI 5dr (BWA), DSG, colour coded, Revo, WALK, WL ARBs, 235 PS2s, seat drawers, OEM tints, custom/hybrid engine mounts, Audi-esque soundproofing

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Re: Revo DSG Software (Stage 2)
« Reply #46 on: May 05, 2010, 12:03:52 pm »
WhoooooOOOSH cabang! Look who has graced us with his presence.

I just mentioned you yesterday.  :scared:   Werz ya bin.  :star:

You must have set my ears on fire . . . .  :laugh: :laugh:
Sean - Independant Automotive Engineering Technician (ret'd)
07 Golf5 GTI 5dr (BWA), DSG, colour coded, Revo, WALK, WL ARBs, 235 PS2s, seat drawers, OEM tints, custom/hybrid engine mounts, Audi-esque soundproofing

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Offline Hedge

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Re: Revo DSG Software (Stage 2)
« Reply #47 on: May 05, 2010, 12:09:02 pm »
If I compare 2 dyno runs from the same car with same engine software, the later graph with the DSG software produces an extra 20ft/lb. No interference from shifting.

Don't understand that???
The software only prevents change up at 6.3k(ish) rpm but peak torque is produced much further down the rev range.

Care to explain?