^^^^ both

pics to follow.... Have to take the missus out to look for her new car first (omg), wants something sexier than her Honda Jazz (lol) wouldn't be difficult eh.... I think her order of preference is
1. New mini, not jcw

2. BMW 1, not coupe or 135

3. Honda civic (new shape)

She has an almost unbelievable deal on the table for a new lexis I220d se and wants to go look at that today.
Whilst out looking with her I was nearly tempted by a 1 coupe but thought better of it. Nice yet unconvincing somehow, also I'd be shelling out more money and seeing no real mpg benefit.
I do have that new car itch though... there's no real logic behind it other than I want an ed30....I'm working out whether that's for cosmetic reasons or performance.... If the former then as I have pescaras already I could just whap the body kit on and a new zorst ...
Ramblings I know, but by going public I may motivate or shame myself into taking action.
Watch this space.