as andrew says maybe we should let the thread get back to topic on purchases only,
my fault i think, not sure if this thread likes to go into a products warts and all.
Would like to say something about the above though,
i cant see why a salesman / retailer wouuld make more money from selling a bosch over a seimens product,
seimens products are way more expensive than bosch and at the end of the day he will just advise what the best product is for his store to sell you.
I ran a Comet hyper store about 8 years ago and the products we pushed where dictated to us by the profit margin - nothing else,
Different manufacturers have different deals all the time and try to beat each other in order to make the selling store push that item over another.
Occasionally you will get a salesman who genuinely just wants to help you out but to get a salesman who IS GENUINE and also knows what he is talking about is very rare.
They have no idea on an items durability / comeback as they only know about an items faults when the customer comes back in years down the line for a new one and he gets told how crap the old one was.
In comet before i was a manager we got commision on every item we sold on top of our minimum wage, sales meetings in the mornings briefed us as to what we where to push that day,
most items in a store carry a 1p commision pay to the selling salesman, some 10p and so on,
if someone like hoover / hotpoint / dyson etc wants a lot of a specific item sold they decrease the shops buying in price for a set number of them ( say 5000 units or so ) and the company like Comet etc then puts the commision for that item up to a high figure in order for the salesman to push it like crazy,,, a customer then comes in looking for a washing machine or something, they may look at something like a led dyson at say £500.
The salesman knows by an alpha numeric code built into the items description which only the staff can understand and this code tells him straight away that if he sells this machine to this customer he will make something like 5p commision,,,,, most machines ranged from 1p to £1,,,,,
he will then convince the customer why she should buy the machine with the high commision,,, it may only be a £200 machine but he will use things like reliability / no breakages that he knows off / its not electronic so more reliable etc etc etc, basically any old p*ss as long as she buys it.
Little does she know that specific machine carries a £10 commision rate,,,, now do that 5 times a day and thats £50 a day more wages

Few weeks down the line the commision offer ends, the 5000 units have been sold, the buying price is back to normal and it starts all over again with a new item with a high commision.
One saturday i done a 12hr shift and sold 22 vacuum cleaners with a selling price of just £90, i made £10 commision on each one

most of the people i sold to came in for a dyson, we where told to use our sales skill to make this vacuum cleaner as good as the dyson, when customers where shown the vacuum in action and explained the cost saving against a £350 dyson it was very simple.
A lot of big companies have done away with commision now for the salesman but they are still told what item has to be promoted, it should also be noted that a salesmans product knowledge / skill set when it comes to selling large electrical items is generally very poor these days unless it is a smaller company who can sometimes have more time for you and more pride in their work.
Never trust a salesman
Do your own homework, find the item, grill the salesman, get their best price, go home check loads of reviews, if you still want it then buy it in the cheapest place ( sometimes it can be beneficial to pay a few quid more in order to get it from a trusted outlet with a customer service that you can fall back on )
In case i didnt mention it before
never trust a salesman