General > Shows, Events and Meets
Stonor Park/VW Expo Sunday 6th June
--- Quote from: NB07 on May 16, 2010, 10:47:47 pm ---we could be blowing out stonor park for tis just need to find accommodation :happy2:
--- End quote ---
Why do you need accommodation? :confused:
It's 8 am until 12.
means getting up at 4 or 5 in the morning which im not keen on! :chicken:
watch out for the woods nick :surprised:
S2 Ant:
I'm planning on being at Stonor Park as well in the GIT
Poppa Dom:
Did not realise that it was the same day as Goodwood breakfast club, will be Goodwood for me. I may make it to Stonor in the afternoon though.
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