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Goodwood Breakfast Club - Supercar Sunday 6th June
I am all over this, and it could be the first outing for my new car, as it turns up to the dealers on the 4th!!!
--- Quote from: Mater on May 17, 2010, 07:54:31 pm ---Will see you there no doubt :happy2:
--- End quote ---
I'm easy to miss :wink:
vRS Carl:
Depends if your wearing that daft hat you had on at the Brisky meet last year :P :P
Saint Steve:
Perhaps should be the premier wearing of the borat mankini Ian.
You would get noticed for sure ;)
--- Quote from: Saint Steve on May 17, 2010, 08:17:34 pm ---Perhaps should be the premier wearing of the borat mankini Ian.
You would get noticed for sure ;)
--- End quote ---
Mmm liking your thoughts. :booty:
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