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Goodwood Breakfast Club - Supercar Sunday 6th June
You've been looking a bit peeky recently mate.
Are you sure you haven't picked something up. :wink:
What if we kidnap him :laugh:
--- Quote from: Oli on June 05, 2010, 09:15:56 pm ---What if we kidnap him :laugh:
--- End quote ---
Wouldn't it have to be against his will for it to be kidnap. my guess is he'd be jumping in the car :grin:
Saint Steve:
Yay!!! MAN-NAP ftw. What time :signLOL:
--- Quote from: Saint Steve on June 05, 2010, 09:57:09 pm ---Yay!!! MAN-NAP ftw. What time :signLOL:
--- End quote ---
We can't tell you the time or else it wouldn't be man-nap.
If I'm doing it though you should be worried. :party:
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