Echo the interior comments of the MkII Leon, especially as IMO it's one of the nicest looking cars in it's class (exterior wise)..
Then there's the dealers...

Had my LCR 3 years, used the same dealer for servicing (again for 3 years) and did 90k in it, so a lot of services. Then the new Cupra came out for which they had a demo (that the DP used) so I asked for a test drive. The reply was "I'm sorry but the Cupra is the DP's car and unless you sign a order form, we are not allowing test drives!!!!!"

Jog on then mate, i'll get the Golf..

What a joke, especailly as I was a 30 year old Sales manager in a suit, who had been (I thought) a valued customer. Not some chav who wanted to take it for a

My mate is a parts manager at a dealership who also use to have a Seat franchise. Their MD sacked it off and told Seat to come pick up all their cars after finding out that Seat use to sell their cars cheaper on the internet to customers, than they did to their dealrship..